Member-only story
I’ve had my share of frustration trying to upload build’s to AppStoreConnect or publish an existing build and then I run into a bug or “Please contact support” message. Hopefully, I can address a few of the most common issues that I’ve run into.
Bundle ID that never shows up: This is probably one of the more annoying bugs that Apple has. I’ve contacted their customer support about this one a few times in the past, but they claim that it simply “shouldn’t happen”. That doesn’t mean it won’t however.
When creating a new app you have to insert a Bundle ID that connects your project to your new app. Sometimes however the bundle ID that you want to use won’t show up in the drop-down field seen above.
The fix: Go to and then click on “Account”. If you aren’t signed in, sign in to your Apple account and then click “Account”.
In the top left, you’ll see a menu for “Program Resources”. Click on the button for “Certificates, IDs & Profiles” as seen below.
Next, navigate to the “Identifiers” page. Then click on the plus button to add a new identifier.
Select “App Id’s” for your identifier type.
You should then see a page where you can enter your description as well as your…